SPIE CADO Emergency Barrier - Solutions
Traffic flow
Problem traffic jams
As a consequence of a road incident, it could be that particular highway sections or tunnels are blocked against expectations. In such a case, traffic flow problems arise as traffic accumulates with heavy congestion as result. Road users should be directed elsewhere as quickly as possible to avoid massive traffic jams. Standard highway crash barriers do not offer an evacuation facility to avoid these traffic flow problems.
Solution CADO
The emergency gate CADO provides a redirecting traffic flow road solution. Via the calamity passage that can be set up, vehicles are given the opportunity to escape the blocked area through the median and get quick access to the other traffic lane. By rerouting this flow of vehicles, traffic will be released and traffic congestion will be reduced.
Get in touch
SPIE Nederland B.V. - Smart city - Traffic & Transport
+31 (0)570 52 25 25 | wijhe@spie.com | www.spie-nl.com
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